Cornerstone Employers

Cornerstone Employers are experienced in engaging with education and give strategic support to clusters of secondary schools and colleges to empower careers provision in an area.

With a complex, fast-changing labour market, the need for high quality workplace experiences and links to employers has never been greater – and Cornerstone Employers are ambassadors for making this become a reality.

Our Cornerstone Employers help to:

  • Ensure all young people in their area have the opportunities they need to be prepared and inspired for the world of work

  • Give back to their community and support the growth of their local economy

  • Engage and develop with their current workforce

  • Inspire students about their sector or industry

  • Develop the skills required for the future workforce and build talent pipeline

Why become a Cornerstone Employer?

  • Support the growth of your local economy and give back to your community.

  • Work with, and learn from, like-minded employers across various sectors.

  • Take a needs-based approach and direct resources where support is most needed.

  • Increase your organisation’s understanding of the world of education and the needs of young people.

  • Diversify your talent pipeline and support social mobility.